scam , scam ,scameri, victor clark
05.03.2018. 17:48
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"Naše modele Ministarstva financija"Ref001/MF/TG-LL "
Iz ureda iskrenog ministra:
Ministar financija. Accra-Gana
Ministar / računovodstveni odjeljak,
G. Adji Oteth Ayassor.
Adresa: 68 Avenue de la Liberation Accra - Gana
Tél: + 233-238083874 / 00233-238083874
E-adresa: financeministry_gn@minister. com
Pozor: gospodine.
Zahtjev za izdavanje certifikata o prijenosu Fonda od strane financijske banke Gane
Dragi. gospodine
Što se tiče informacija koje ste dobili o pitanju pomoći da nabavite potrebnu certifikat poznatu pod nazivom "Certifikat o osnivanju fonda" koji je potreban od "Financial Bank of Ghana" za zatvaranje i prijenos sedam milijuna, petsto tisuća američkih dolara (US$ 7.500, 000.00) na vaš bankovni račun u vašoj zemlji, Ovaj ured poštovan je poštovao vaš zahtjev i obećao vam da će vam pomoći pri osiguranju ovog dokumenta iz našeg ureda za suradnju.
Prema vašoj traženoj pošti, potreban vam dokument koji nam treba:
(1). "Potvrda o izvorniku fonda".
Ovime vas obavještavamo da će vam ova potrebna "Potvrda o osnivanju fonda" koštati €600 uključujući i "Dozvole za pečate" i uplatu za pravnu službu preporučenog branitelja koji će vas zastupati za "potpisivanje potpisivanja" na federalnom visoki sud. Gore navedeni troškovi bit će isplaćeni prije nego što počnemo obrađivati "Certifikat o izvornom fondu", a samo će nas (24 sata) obraditi dokument i potpisati savezna vlada Gane i zapečaćena od strane ovog ureda. Stoga nemate nikakvih pitanja nego poslati taj novac da bismo mogli raditi za vas.
Za hitno izdavanje potrebne "Potvrde o podrijetlu iz Fonda", gore navedena naknada za naplatu od €600 mora se platiti prije nabave predmetne "Certifikate o osnivanju Fonda". Naše ime za plaćanje i primanje bit će vam proslijeđeno za plaćanje gore navedene naknade kad ponovno pročitamo natrag od vas. Vaša je shvaćanja puno važna i pomoći će nam da radimo zajedno s vama. Ako imate bilo kakvo pitanje, slobodno nas kontaktirajte putem naše e-pošte i telefonskog broja
ako ste spremni platiti novac, možete odgovoriti na dolje navedene bankovne podatke da bismo ih mogli koristiti za obradu potrebne potvrde na vašem imenu.
1 Adresa vašeg doma
2 Vaša stalna adresa
3 Vaše ime države
4 Vaša nacionalnost
Bilješka. Nikako se ovaj dokument ne može izdati osobi ili grupi bez potpune isplate, jer je vlasništvo Vlade savezne Republike Gane i savjetujemo vam da to postupate kao što je vladina stvar. Čim vas pročitamo o tome kako poslati takvu naknadu, odmah ćemo vam poslati ime primatelja uplate kako bismo izvršili plaćanje putem Western Union transfera novca.
Hvala na suradnji.
Vaš Vjerno od strane tajnika,
Generalni sekretar.
Financije / Računovodstvo odjeljak,
Ministarstvo financija. Accra Ghana
Adresa: 68 Avenue De La Liberation Accra - Gana
E-adresa: financeministry_gn@minister. com
***** Ova e-pošta može sadržavati materijal koji je povjerljiv, samo za upotrebu namjeravanog primatelja. Svako preispitivanje, oslanjanje ili distribucija drugih osoba ili prosljeđivanje bez izričitog dopuštenja strogo je zabranjeno. Ako niste namjeravani primatelj MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ACCRA-GHANA kontaktirajte pošiljatelja i izbrišite sve kopije *****
"Our Ref001/MF/TG-LL "Ministry of Finance Modalities"
From Office of Honorable Minister:
Minister of Finance. Accra-Ghana
Minister/Accounting section,
Mr. Adji Oteth Ayassor.
Address: 68 Avenue de la Liberation Accra - Ghana
Tél: +233-238083874/00233-238083874
To: Attention: Sir.
Application for Certificates of Fund Transfer by Financial Bank Of Ghana
Dear. Sir
In regards to the information received from you on the issue of helping you to procure the needed Certificate known as “Fund Origin Certificate” which is required from “Financial Bank of Ghana” for the closure and transfer of Seven Million, Five Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars (US$7.500, 000.00) to your bank account in your country, This Honorable office has honored your request and promised to assist you secured this document from our cooperate office.
According to your requested mail, the needed document you need from us is:
(1). “Fund Origin Certificate”.
This is to let you know that this needed “Fund Origin Certificate” will cost you total amount of €600 included both the “Stamp Duties” and payment for Legal Service of recommended Solicitor who will represent you for “endorsement of signature” at the federal high Court. The above charges most be paid before we can start the processing of the “Fund Origin Certificate” and it will only take us (24 hours) to process the document and sign by the Federal Government of Ghana and sealed by this office. Therefore, you have no question than to send this money to enable us work for you.
For urgent issuing of the needed “Fund Origin Certificate” the above mentioned charges fee of €600 must be paid before the procurement of the concerned “Fund Origin Certificate”. Our payment and receiving name will be forwarded to you for the payment of the above fee once we read back from you again. Your understanding matters a lot and will help us work together with you. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us through our e-mail and phone number
if you are ready to pay the money you can reply with your below bank information to enable us use them for processing of the required certificate on your name.
1 Your House Address
2 Your Resident Address
3 Your Country Name
4 Your Nationality
Note. There is on no account this document can be issued to person or Group without the full payment because it is property of the Federal Republic Government of Ghana and we advise you to treat this matter like government matter. As soon as we read from you regarding how to send this charges fee, we shall immediately send you our payment receiving name to make the payment through western union money transfer.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Yours Faithfully by Secretary,
Secretary General.
Finance/Accounting section,
Ministry of Finance. Accra Ghana
Address: 68 Avenue De La Liberation Accra - Ghana
*****This email may contain material that is confidential, for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, reliance or distribution by others or forwarding without express permission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient by MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ACCRA-GHANA please contact the sender and delete all copies*****
E-mail; ( Victor.clarks1998@ou ) Telefon +233 264218499 victor clark
08.03.2018. 09:29
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Преведи поруку
"Naše modele Ministarstva financija" Ref001 / MF / TG-LL "
Iz ureda iskrenog ministra:
Ministar financija. Accra-Gana
Ministar / računovodstveni odjeljak,
G. Adji Oteth Ayassor.
Adresa: 68 Avenue de la Liberation Accra - Gana
Tél: + 233-238083874 / 00233-238083874
E-adresa: financeministry_gn@minister. com
Zahtjev za potvrdu o prijenosu Fonda od strane financijske banke Gane
Pozor: gospodine.
Želim da znate da vam ovaj certifikat neće biti obrađen; osim što je potreban iznos uplaćen, jer taj savezni ured visokog suda ne pripada meni, pa vas savjetujemo da idete u bilo koju zapadnu uniju ili ured Money-Gram u vašoj zemlji i izvršite uplatu u naš ured; tako da odmah primimo uplatu od vas, odmah ćemo započeti s radom na obradi certifikatnog papira,
I obavijestite nas da će nam trebati oko 24 sata da obradimo certifikat; na vaše ime iz našeg visokog suda, jer bez uplate ne možemo pravovremeno obrađivati potrebnu potvrdu,
Stoga vam savjetujemo da upotrijebite ove informacije kako biste odmah izvršili uplatu:
I pokušajte kopirati ime prijemnika vrlo dobro, nemojte griješiti na njemu,
ime primatelja; HANNAH AKORFUL
AMOUNT: 600€
BROJ TELEFONA: + 233-238083874
i ne zaboravite prosljeđivati zapisnički zapisnik u naš ured; Čim ste položili traženi iznos, ponovim "uvjerite se da priložite papir zapadnog sindikalnog platnog prometa u naš ured, čim pošaljete traženi iznos,
Hvala na suradnji.
Vaš Vjerno od strane tajnika,
Generalni sekretar.
Financije / Računovodstvo odjeljak,
Ministarstvo financija. Accra Ghana
Adresa: 68 Avenue De La Liberation Accra - Gana
E-adresa: financeministry_gn@minister. com
***** Ova e-pošta može sadržavati materijal koji je povjerljiv, samo za upotrebu namjeravanog primatelja. Svako preispitivanje, oslanjanje ili distribucija drugih osoba ili prosljeđivanje bez izričitog dopuštenja strogo je zabranjeno. Ako niste namjeravani primatelj MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ACCRA-GHANA kontaktirajte pošiljatelja i izbrišite sve kopije *****
//////////////////////////"Our Ref001/MF/TG-LL "Ministry of Finance Modalities"
From Office of Honorable Minister:
Minister of Finance. Accra-Ghana
Minister/Accounting section,
Mr. Adji Oteth Ayassor.
Address: 68 Avenue de la Liberation Accra - Ghana
Tél: +233-238083874/00233-238083874
Email: financeministry_gn@minister.
Application for Certificates of Fund Transfer by Financial Bank of Ghana
To: Attention: sir.
i want you to know that this certificate paper will not been process to you; except the required amount is been paid, because this federal high court office doesn't belong to me, so we advise you to go to any western union or money-Gram office in your country now and make the payment to our office; so that immediately we receive the payment fee from you we shall immediately start our work to process the certificate paper to you,
And be informed that it will only take us about 24 hours to process the certificate to you; on your name from our high court of justice office, because without the payment we cannot process the needed certificate to you on time,
So we advise you to use this bellow information to make the payment immediately:
And try to copy the receivers name very well, do not make mistake on it,
AMOUNT: €600
PHONE NUMBER: +233-238083874
and remember to forward the western union payment slip to our office; as soon as you deposited the required amount, i repeat' make sure that you attach the paper of the western union payment slip to our office, as soon as 'you' send the required amount,
Thanks for your co-operation.
Yours Faithfully by Secretary,
Secretary General.
Finance/Accounting section,
Ministry of Finance. Accra Ghana
Address: 68 Avenue De La Liberation Accra - Ghana
Email: financeministry_gn@minister.
*****This email may contain material that is confidential, for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, reliance or distribution by others or forwarding without express permission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient by MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ACCRA-GHANA please contact the sender and delete all copies****
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