scam ,scam, scameri, dawn allison on facebook

profil daawn allison , FACEBOOK !    100% SCAM, SCAM ,SCAMERI,

profile is a contributor, no 1. cyber criminals who not only promote pornography, make false profiles, deceive all possible types, date websites, extort money through WU, for their scams !!!! uses profiles on the following sites, minge2, paradise, perfect connection, getting to know .net, and more on Chinese sites, twitter profile, facebook profile, skjpe, private skype ,,,,,,,,!
The same uses more mail that perfectly works on all social networks in search of the victim, perfectly done, forgery, documents of all kinds like usa passport, document militarists, bank documents, airline tickets, un documents, id card ,,,,,

done, forgery, documents of all kinds like usa passport, document militarists, bank documents, airline tickets, un documents, id card ,,,,,
You can encounter a fraudulent team with multiple profiles. They are registered to various domains: MAHAMMAD ALD ABDULLAH <,     mary.j169 @  ,        bettyreedfriederich @

Helen Raymond

Прилозипон 22. окт 19:14
коме ја
Преведи поруку
Искључи за: хрватски
Zdravo Poštovani,

Iskreno se izvinjavam zbog mog kasnog odgovora, hvala na tvom
ljubaznom odgovoru. Moje ime je gospođa Helen Grace Raymond. Ja sam
medicinski doktor i specijalista za opću hirurgiju, ja sam iz
Manhattan New York, rođen 27. aprila 1968. godine. trenutno radi sa
UN-a kao doktor medicine za državnu krizu i trenutno smo u Siriji zbog
poslednje nesreće koju su poslali američkoj vladi da im nedostaje
ljudska snaga u kampu za izbjegličke kampove u Siriji, kada smo
postavljeni da dođu i rade u bolnici u kampu za izbeglice kako bi
lečili povređene.
Izgleda da imate dobro srce i jednostavno uprkos upravo smo se
upoznali, kao da sam te poznavao godinama i još uvek me zbunjuje. Ja
sam samo jednostavna žena i sam tragajući za dobrom čovekom kome mogu
verovati svom srcu jednom sam odavde nakon mog ugovora. Samo želim
imati srećnu porodicu i srećan dom kada odem odavde, mada se bojim
srčane pauze jer pošto sam izgubio mog muža sam bio samac i ne mogu da
zamislim kako započeti život sa drugim čovjekom, iako imam čula je da
prijatelji pričaju o odnosu i kako muškarci najčešće slome srce ..
Zaista ne želim da doživim to u mom životu, moj pokojni muž je bio
jedini čovek kome sam datirao 4 godine pre nego što sam se udala za
njega, nažalost, izgubio sam ga u automobilskoj nesreći prije 6 godina
i od njegovog smrti sam bio sam.
Moj jedini izvor sreće i moj svet je moja ćerka Jennifer je samo 13
godina. Priloženo ovde je moja zvanična fotografija koju vidim. Pričaj
mi više o sebi.

Sa ljubavlju,
Dr. Helen

Hello Dear,

I sincerely apologize for my late response, thanks for your kind
response. My name is Mrs. Helen Grace Raymond . I'm a Medical Doctor
and a specialist on General Surgery, I'm from Manhattan New York, born
on 27 April 1968 . currently working with the UN as a medical Doctor
for the state emergency and presently we are here in Syria because of
the last emergency that they sent to the U.S Government that they lack
man power at the refugees camp hospital in Syria that is when we were
appointed to come and work at the refugees camp hospital to treat the
injured ones.
You seem to have a good heart and simple despite we just met, It's
like i have known you for years and it's still baffles me. I'm just a
simple woman and single searching for a good man who i can trust my
heart with once am out of here after my contract. Just want to have a
happy family and happy home once am out of here, though am scared of
heart break, because since i lost my husband i have been single and i
can't imagine how to start life with another man, although i have
heard friends talking about relationship and how men do break their
heart most times..I really don't want to experience that in my life,
my late husband was the only man who i have dated for 4 years before i
got married to him, unfortunately i lost him in an auto accident 6
years ago and since his demise i have been single.
My only source of happiness and my world now is my daughter Jennifer
is only 13 years old . Attached here are my official photo to see.
Tell me more about yourself.

With Love,
Dr. Helen 

      FACEBOOK !!!!!!

done, forgery, documents of all kinds like usa passport, document militarists, bank documents, airline tickets, un documents, id card ,,,,,
You can encounter a fraudulent team with multiple profiles. They are registered to various domains: MAHAMMAD ALD ABDULLAH <> mary.j169 @ hotmail.combettyreedfriederich @

Helen Raymond

Прилозипон 22. окт 19:14
коме ја
Преведи поруку
Искључи за: хрватски
Zdravo Poštovani,

Iskreno se izvinjavam zbog mog kasnog odgovora, hvala na tvom
ljubaznom odgovoru. Moje ime je gospođa Helen Grace Raymond. Ja sam
medicinski doktor i specijalista za opću hirurgiju, ja sam iz
Manhattan New York, rođen 27. aprila 1968. godine. trenutno radi sa
UN-a kao doktor medicine za državnu krizu i trenutno smo u Siriji zbog
poslednje nesreće koju su poslali američkoj vladi da im nedostaje
ljudska snaga u kampu za izbjegličke kampove u Siriji, kada smo
postavljeni da dođu i rade u bolnici u kampu za izbeglice kako bi
lečili povređene.
Izgleda da imate dobro srce i jednostavno uprkos upravo smo se
upoznali, kao da sam te poznavao godinama i još uvek me zbunjuje. Ja
sam samo jednostavna žena i sam tragajući za dobrom čovekom kome mogu
verovati svom srcu jednom sam odavde nakon mog ugovora. Samo želim
imati srećnu porodicu i srećan dom kada odem odavde, mada se bojim
srčane pauze jer pošto sam izgubio mog muža sam bio samac i ne mogu da
zamislim kako započeti život sa drugim čovjekom, iako imam čula je da
prijatelji pričaju o odnosu i kako muškarci najčešće slome srce ..
Zaista ne želim da doživim to u mom životu, moj pokojni muž je bio
jedini čovek kome sam datirao 4 godine pre nego što sam se udala za
njega, nažalost, izgubio sam ga u automobilskoj nesreći prije 6 godina
i od njegovog smrti sam bio sam.
Moj jedini izvor sreće i moj svet je moja ćerka Jennifer je samo 13
godina. Priloženo ovde je moja zvanična fotografija koju vidim. Pričaj
mi više o sebi.

Sa ljubavlju,
Dr. Helen

Hello Dear,

I sincerely apologize for my late response, thanks for your kind
response. My name is Mrs. Helen Grace Raymond . I'm a Medical Doctor
and a specialist on General Surgery, I'm from Manhattan New York, born
on 27 April 1968 . currently working with the UN as a medical Doctor
for the state emergency and presently we are here in Syria because of
the last emergency that they sent to the U.S Government that they lack
man power at the refugees camp hospital in Syria that is when we were
appointed to come and work at the refugees camp hospital to treat the
injured ones.
You seem to have a good heart and simple despite we just met, It's
like i have known you for years and it's still baffles me. I'm just a
simple woman and single searching for a good man who i can trust my
heart with once am out of here after my contract. Just want to have a
happy family and happy home once am out of here, though am scared of
heart break, because since i lost my husband i have been single and i
can't imagine how to start life with another man, although i have
heard friends talking about relationship and how men do break their
heart most times..I really don't want to experience that in my life,
my late husband was the only man who i have dated for 4 years before i
got married to him, unfortunately i lost him in an auto accident 6
years ago and since his demise i have been single.
My only source of happiness and my world now is my daughter Jennifer
is only 13 years old . Attached here are my official photo to see.
Tell me more about yourself.

With Love,
Dr. Helen 

      FACEBOOK !!!!!!

contact directly on the mail or website !!!!!!
srdacan pozdrav
trivun knez


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