scam, scam, scamerri ,Melessa Freya
Profil Melessa Freya <>koristi vise mail adresa za scam,
za scam, klasicna sajber prevara, grupa niger 419 zapadna afrika
direktni izvrsioci turski sajber kriminalci, scam 100% !!!!!!
posjeduje objavu za scam !!!!!
Hello My Dearest,
Go ahead and contact Negara bank Indonesia to open your account
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Увек преведи: хрватски
I am glad that you have read and fully understood my email to find enclosed a copy of my working cards only for reference. I have nothing to gain if jeopardize our image here in Turkey. With a lot of funny things that happen these days on the Internet it is hard to find someone you trust. My late father always told me not to buy the trust that you earn. The secret of success is the secret.
As I explained in my previous e-mail, you will need to open an offshore non-resident account in a foreign bank, which I will refer.
Below are the reasons why I would prefer to open a new account;
1, need a bank that shares the same code for rapid telex confirmation to my bank; that'll make it easier to directly convey to 11.5 million US dollars from its subsidiaries to the account that will be opened in your name.
2, the funds transferred with quick confirmation to and from Turkey usually last a maximum of 6 hours to get to the payee's account.
3, the funds transferred to Africa, the United States, Britain, Canada and the entire Arab region still seriously checked against terrorist financing and other suspicious acts. 11.5M USD is not the amount that can be transferred to your country, and that the government does not raise a lot of questions.
4, Offshore bank will be able to get a huge volume without resistance to the financial regulations of the bank. This will all parties be safe.
5, As the staff of the Bank of Turkey is not advisable for us to use any of our existing account whether they are foreign or local, as it will seem as if switching means at our self.
This account will be set up in your name, after the bill is ready and all the documents from my office are in a perfect place, and then I will make a direct wire the total amount (USD 11.5M) account. Why we decided to have the funds transferred to the Asian bank is because the bank shares the same quick confirmation code telex with my bank.
I contacted a legal attorney in order to deal with that aspect in your name so that you do not what to have to worry. I will submit the details required to complete this transaction. Details will contain full information about the bank that I have proposed. Note that if your only financial obligation to be open non-resident offshore bank account in the Asian. I'm not sure how much open an account, but I am sure that is something you can handle it, here in Turkey costs about 200-500 US dollars to open a non-resident account.
Note that this transaction should be classified. You will get a cooperation agreement that will prepare my lawyer and who will clearly state our conditions, the agreed percentages and conditions.
I look forward to your positive response. Have a nice day !!!
God bless you.
Ms. Freya Melesse
On Fri, Mar 4, 2019 at 4:46 PM trivun prince < > wrote:
Can you send you id, Viber number, Skype or Contakt on google hangauts ,,,, regards!
Friday, the 4th January 2019, Melesse Freya < > wrote / la:
> Thank you for your response and interest in this transaction. Note that I have no intention of asking you to send me money. As we communicate, keep in mind that you are dealing with a responsible woman. If you read my terms below and you are not sure, feel free to pull out of this transaction.
> Let me start again represent himself. I'm Mrs. Melesse Freya and I work with the Turkish bank here in Turkey. Now listen; before 31 July 2004 our client g. Andreas Schranner, German magnate and businessman, made a numbered fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with a value of 11.5 million only US dollars (11.5 million USD) in my branch. At maturity he sent several notices, unanswered. Recently he sent another notice and still no response from him. We found out later that Mr. Schranner together with his wife and daughter with her mother in law and a large children died in a terrible plane crash.
> Upon further investigation it was discovered that Mr. Andreas Schranner not in his official documents, including the paper work of his bank deposit, declared no next of kin. Also we are entrusted to the last time I was in my office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank. Thus, 11.5 million US dollars (11.5 million US dollars) is still lying in my bank and no one will appear that requests it. What I am most troubling is that according to the Turkish financial law, after the end of nine years, the funds back into the ownership of the Turkish Government if nobody applies for a claim. In this context, my suggestion to you is that I appeal to you as a foreigner to you as the next of kin to Mr. Andreas Schranner to be able to receive his funds.
> I want you to know that I planned everything in order to come out successfully. My attorney will prepare the necessary document that will support you as the next of kin to Mr. Andreas Schranner, all that you are required at this stage is that we provide your full name, address and a copy of identification as attorney can commence his job. Once you become the next of kin, the attorney will also apply for a claim on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and confirmation in your favor for the movement of funds to an offshore account to provide. In this there is no risk, because we will adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents. Please, try to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. Once the funds are transferred into your nominated bank account we shall share in the ratio of 60% for me
> And 40% for you
> I need your total commitment and confidence that I saw it. I know we have not met, but I am convinced that we will be able to establish the necessary trust that we want to execute. Now I am in touch with a foreign bank that shares the same type of telex with my bank. This will allow me to transfer funds from your bank to offshore bank stress-free. Now I intend to open an offshore domicile account on their behalf in this foreign bank. The money will be transferred to the account to be opened in the bank. This is the best way to move funds. I want to be quiet when conclude this transaction. Kindly follow my instructions. You have to know that I can transfer this money to your name because my bank will be aware of my engagement. Here I need you to be their representative.
> As a result, you will need to open an account in the corresponding bank and this is your only financial obligations. After that, the money will be transferred from my bank account on which will be placed on your behalf. No other person will not be included in this transaction, and then you can instruct the bank to transfer our various shares on our accounts of domestic banks. I will improve documentation with the help of his lawyer in order to give the transaction the legal right, the second to a lawyer assigned legal power to prepare the necessary legal documents and is the only user of resources and to process your requests.
> Before I start, I need to send any form of your identification (ID, driving license or passport). I'll do the necessary works on paper. I hope you understand why we need all this. The money in question is huge and I want to make sure that we reach an appropriate agreement, before I give you all the details you need to start. Upon receipt of your identification will send you a copy of your working document. You will also get the names and contact details of the bank with which you intend to open an account so that you can open communication with them. Make sure that this transaction confidential.
> If you are interested, send me all that is needed;
> 1, Full names
> 2, private phone and fax number
> 3, current residential address
> 4, a copy of your identification, it can be your driver's license or international passport / national identity card.
> Upon receipt, I'll give you more details about the operation. Your earliest reply will be highly appreciated.
> God bless you,
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2019 at 5:27 PM trivun prince < > wrote:
>> Info Contakt, he send the mail!
>> -
>> Best Regards
>> trivun prince
best regards
trivun prince
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07.12.2018. 13:20
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Преведи поруку
Искључи за: хрватски
Hello My Dearest,
Go ahead and contact the Negara bank and send the activation fee of the non-resident account which cost 525 Dollars let them open the account for you and also fill the form and send it back to the Negara bank with activation fee of the non-resident account 525 Dollars and bear in mind that this 525 dollars is still your money that will be credited into the new account them are going to open in your name and information that you will fill on the form.
As soon as the offshore account is set up on your name the bank will provide you with your new offshore account details i.e ( swift code, account number, bank address, telex code and Iban number) you will forward the account coordinates to me and i will immediately transfer the $11.5M U.S.D from my bank to the new account. With swift transfer the funds will be in the receiving account on the same day believe me.
I shall be expecting a positive feedback from you as soon as possible with the account details.Have nice day and the grace of God be with you.
Yours partner
From: trivun knez <>
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2018 11:22 PM
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2018 11:22 PM
I do not know what to write, you live in the 19th century today's banking is doing through viber, I do not know what you want to do with this and you are very frivolous for the job thanks!
srdacan pozdrav
trivun knez
пет, 7. дец 2018. у 08:16 trivun knez <> је написао/ла:
srdacan pozdrav
trivun knez
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Negara Bank <>
Date: пет, 7. дец 2018. у 06:02
To: <>
VALUED CLIENT,Želimo vas obavijestiti da smo primili Vašu poštu za offshore nerezidentni domicilni račun. Obavijestite se da klijenti koji žele inozemstvo koji namjeravaju imati trgujući nerezidentni bankovni račun kod naše financijske institucije (NEGARA BANK) trebali biste pročitati poštom u nastavku. Priložili smo obrazac za otvaranje računa, morat ćete ga ispravno ispuniti i poslati ga vratite nam se putem privitka e-pošte.Imat će račun nerezidentnog računa kod banke kod naše financijske institucijeimate priliku primiti i prenijeti veliku količinu sredstava na bilo koji od vašeg određenog bankovnog računa širom svijeta pomoću našeg nedavno predstavljenog digitalnogbrz prijenos operacijskog sustava. Međutim, imamo različite vrste računa svaka s fiksnim minimalnim depozitom, vidi dolje;1, PLATINUM DOMICILIARY ACCOUNT: ACTIVATION FEE 2.950 dolara (MINIMALNA DEPOZIT)2, GOLD DOMICILIARY ACCOUNT: ACTIVATION FEE 820 dolara (MINIMALNA DEPOZIT)3, REGULARNI DOMICILIARY ACCOUNT: ACTIVATION FEE 525 dolara (MINIMALNA DEPOZIT)4, OSOBNI DOMICILIARNI RAČUN: OVAJ RAČUN ISKLJUČUJE AZA BORAVIŠTE.Ovi računi regulirani su na istom profilu, ali imaju drugačiju granicu. S računom platine i zlata možete uključiti svoje poslovanje u Aziju prebacivanjem na račun tvrtke. U ovoj situaciji vaš račun tvrtke s Negara Bankom biti će registriran kod naših poslovnih komora ovdje u Aziji. Redovni račun omogućit će vam da primate sredstva, pristupate sredstvima i zatražite transfere s salda računa. Nijedan trošak prijenosa (C.O.T) neće se naplatiti za banke koje dijele isti TELEX SWIFT s Negarom.Kao svoj osobni računovođa želim da aktivirate REGULARNI DOMICILIARNI RAČUN, mogućnosti su vam povoljne. Da biste izvršili otvaranje ovog računa, morate učiniti sljedeće:1, Vaš izravni telefonski broj, kućnu adresu i adresu ureda.2, Vaša međunarodna kopija putovnice ili vozačka dozvola3, otvaranje / aktivacija offshore računa Naknada s minimalnim iznosom od 525 dolara (samo pet stotina i dvadeset dolara) Napominjemo da će ta uplata biti uplaćena na račun u vašu korist.4, plaćanje od 25 dolara (dvadeset pet dolaraSamo) za bankovni nacrt i lokalni pečat za potvrdu i legalizaciju obrasca za otvaranje računa.NAPOMENA: Sva će plaćanja biti uplaćena na vaš novi račun. Trebate staviti na raspolaganje potrebne troškove preko naše kreditne službe putem bankovnog prijenosa ili prijenosa novca; detalji će vam se dati kada je to potrebno. Po primitku gore navedenog, otvorit ćemo račun o vašim imenima i poslati relevantne pojedinosti.Vaš službenik za račun je vaš osobni savjetnik, spreman da bude u službi. NEGARA BANK je pouzdana banka sa standardnim međunarodnim ugledom.NEGARA BANK štiti vaše interese s apsolutnom diskrecijom vođenim našim ženevskim zakonom o klijentima / bankovnim tajnama. Jamčimo da Vaši podaci i osobni podaci NIJE objavljeni trećim stranama ili vladinim tijelima bez vašeg dopuštenja.Ne postoji porez po odbitku na kamatu koja vam se plaća na kreditnoj bilanci, oročenjima ili dolarima. Uz NEGARA BANK možete uložiti na najvišu razinu. Elektronički možete organizirati širok raspon bankovnih transakcija iz vlastitog doma bez ikakvih ograničenja.Možete prenijeti iznose u eurima, američkim i drugim valutama na i iz Indonezije. Možete držati račune s kamatama u različitim valutama. Kreditnu karticu NEGARA BANK možete koristiti za povlačenje i plaćanje (u cijelom svijetu). Za podnošenje zahtjeva za naše različite kreditne kartice molimo Vas da kontaktirate svog službenika za račun za dodatne upite.Čekamo vaš brz odgovor kako bismo ubrzali trenutačni postupak otvaranja Vašeg neizravnog domicilnog računa. Nastojte ispuniti obrazac za otvaranje računa.Još jednom možete upotrijebiti ovo ime kako biste izvršili uplatu bilo kojeg računa koji vam je potreban,NAZIV: MUTIARA PURNAMAWATIADRESA: JAKARTA, INDONESIA.Pošaljite je putem Western Uniona ili novca Gram s tim informacijama koje vam daju i pošaljite nam bankovni račun nakon što izvršite uplatu bilo kojeg računa koji želite.Hvala vam što ste svojim partnerima koristili Negara banku u bankarstvu.LIJEPI POZDRAVG. ANDHIKA A BASIRDIREKTOR ZA STRANE POSLOVEGRUPA NEGARA (NEGARA BANK INDONESIA)DISCLAIMER: The information contained in or accompanying this e-mail is
intended for the use of the stated recipient only. It may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any transmission. If you receive this message by error, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it and notify the sender. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient.ᐧᐧ
07.12.2018. 13:59
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I am not interested. nisam zainteresovan za ovaj dil , i nikada necu poslati novac na Negara bank , ispali ste jako smesni i neodgovorni i posao novac se ne radi ovim putem , morate poceti ozbiljno da razmisljate o svojim namjerama koje ja ne mogu da razumem nikako !
mogu ti poslati svoj racun koji se nalazi u itali bank i mozete izvrsiti uplatu za dalje ako ti to odgovara !!!! hvala ,,,,,

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Прикажи оригиналну поруку
Увек преведи: хрватски
Thank you thank you for your response and interest in this transaction. Note that I'm not going to ask you to send me money. While communicating, keep in mind that you do a responsible woman. If you read my terms below and you are not convinced, you can feel free to come back from this transaction.
Allow me to start again introduced. I'm Mrs. Melesse Freya, I'm working with the Bank of Turkey here in Turkey. Now listen; before 31 July 2004 our client g. Andreas Schranner, German owner magnate, and also a business man, makes a numeric fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with eleven million, five hundred thousand US dollars only in the United States (US $ 11, 5 million) in my branch. Upon maturity several notice was sent, no response. Recently he sent another notice and has not yet received a response from him. We found out later that Mr. Schranner, along with his wife and only daughter, along with their non-lawyers and a large children, killed in a terrible plane crash.
Upon further investigation also revealed that Mr. Andreas Schranner not told of any kin in his official papers including the paper work of the bank. And he also confided in me the last time I was in my office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank. Thus, 11.5 million US dollars of government is still lying in my bank and no one will know that it requires. Most bothers me that, according to the Turkish financial law, after the expiry of the nine years the funds will go back to having the Turkish Government if nobody applies for a claim. In accordance with that background, my suggestion to you is that I appeal to you as a foreigner to be the next neighbor Mr. Andreas Schranner in order to receive funds.
I want you to know that I was all planned in order to come out successful. My attorney will prepare the necessary document that will sustain you as the next of kin to Mr. Andreas Schranner, everything you are asked at this stage is to give me your full name, address and a copy of identification so that the attorney can commence his job. Once you have joined, the lawyer will also apply to your claim and provide the necessary approvals and probate in your favor for the movement of funds to an offshore account that will provide you. There's no risk, because we will adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents. Try to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. Once the funds are transferred into your nominated bank account, then we will share ratio of 60%
and 40% for you
I need your total devotion and trust to see it. I know that we have not already met, but I am very confident that we will be able to establish the necessary trust that we want to execute this project. Now I am in touch with a foreign bank that with my bank shares the same type of telex. This will allow me to transfer funds from my bank in an offshore bank stress-free. Now I intend to open an account on your behalf in this foreign bank. The money would be transferred to the account to be opened in the bank. This is the best way to move funds. I want to have peace if we conclude this transaction. Kindly follow my instructions. You must also know that they can not transfer the money to my name because my bank will be aware of my involvement. This is where I need you as my representative.
God bless you,
As a result, you will need to open an account in the corresponding bank and this is your only financial obligations. After that, the money will be transferred from my bank account on which will be placed on your behalf. No other person will not be included in this transaction, and then you can instruct the bank to transfer the various stocks in our accounts at home. I will complete the documentation with the help of his attorney to give the transaction the legal right and the other to the Ombudsman give legal force to prepare the necessary legal documents that will be the only user of resources and process your requests.
Before I start, I need to send you any form of your identification (ID, driving license or passport), I will discuss the necessary paper work. I hope you understand why I need all of this. The money in question is huge and I want to ensure the achievement of an appropriate arrangement, before I go on to give you all the details to start. I'll send you a copy of your work ID upon receipt of your identification. You will also get the names and contact details of the banks that plan to open an account to be able to open communications with them. Make sure that the transaction is confidential.
If you are interested, send me all that is needed;
1, the full names
2, private phone number and fax number
3, current residential address
4 A copy of identification, it could be your driver's license or international passport / National ID Card.
Upon receipt I will give you more details about the operation. Your earliest reply will be highly appreciated.
From: trivun prince < >
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2018 8:58 AM
Subject: contact info
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2018 8:58 AM
Subject: contact info
info contakt send in the mail!
best regards
trivun prince
2 прилога
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Преведи поруку
Искључи за: хрватски
Dopustite mi da se počnem ponovno uvoditi. Ja sam gospođa Melessa Freya, radim s Bankom Turske ovdje u Turskoj. Sada slušaj; prije 31. srpnja 2004. naš klijent g. Andreas Schranner, njemački vlasnik magnat, a također i poslovni čovjek, napravio je brojčani fiksni depozit za 18 kalendarskih mjeseci, s jedanaest milijuna dolara, petsto tisuća dolara samo u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (USD 11,5 milijuna) u mom ogranku. Nakon zrelosti poslano je nekoliko obavijesti, bez odgovora. Nedavno je poslana još jedna obavijest i još uvijek nije dobio odgovor od njega. Kasnije smo saznali da je g. Schranner, zajedno sa svojom suprugom i jedinom kćerkom, zajedno s njihovim ne-pravnikom i velikom djecom, ubijen u strašnoj zrakoplovnoj nesreći.
Nakon daljnje istrage također je otkriveno da g. Andreas Schranner nije izjavio ni jednog rodbine u svojim službenim novinama, uključujući papirnati rad banke. I on se također povjerio u mene posljednji put kad je bio u mom uredu da nitko osim mene nije znao za svoj polog u mojoj banci. Dakle, jedanaest milijuna petsto tisuća američkih državnih dolara još uvijek leži u mojoj banci i nitko se neće javiti da to zatraži. Najviše me smeta što je, prema turskom financijskom zakonu, nakon isteka 9 godina sredstva će se vratiti u vlasništvo turske vlade ako nitko ne podnese zahtjev za potraživanje. U skladu s tom pozadinom, moj prijedlog vama je da ću vam se svidjeti kao stranac da budete sljedeći susjedi gospodinu Andreasu Schranneru kako biste mogli primiti sredstva.
Želim da znaš da sam sve planirala kako bismo izašli uspješni. Moj odvjetnik će pripremiti potrebni dokument koji će vas poduprijeti kao slijedeći rođak gospodinu Andreasu Schranneru, sve što vam se traži u ovoj fazi je da mi date svoje puno ime, adresu i kopiju identifikacije tako da odvjetnik može započeti svoj posao. Nakon što ste se pridružili, odvjetnik će također podnijeti zahtjev za vaše potraživanje i osigurati potrebna odobrenja i probate u vašu korist za kretanje sredstava na offshore račun koji će vam pružiti. U tome nema nikakvog rizika, jer ćemo usvojiti legaliziranu metodu, a odvjetnik će pripremiti sve potrebne dokumente. Pokušajte promatrati najveću diskreciju u svim pitanjima koja se tiču ovog pitanja. Nakon što su sredstva prenesena na vaš nominirani bankovni račun, tada ćemo mi dijeliti omjer od 60%
i 40% za vas
Potrebna mi je vaša ukupna pobožnost i povjerenje da to vidite. Znam da nismo se već susreli, ali sam vrlo uvjeren da ćemo moći utvrditi potrebno povjerenje koje želimo izvršiti ovaj projekt. Sada sam u kontaktu s inozemnom bankom koja s mojom bankom dijeli isti tip telexa. To će mi omogućiti prijenos sredstava iz moje banke u off-shore banku bez stresa. Sada namjeravam otvoriti račun na vašem imenu u ovoj inozemnoj banci. Novac bi bio prebačen na taj račun koji ćete otvoriti u banci. Ovo je najbolji način za pomicanje sredstava. Želim da imamo mir ako zaključujemo ovu transakciju. Ljubazno slijedite moje upute. Također morate znati da ne mogu prenijeti taj novac na moje ime jer će moja banka biti svjesna moje uključenosti. Ovo je mjesto gdje trebam te kao moj predstavnik.
Bog te blagoslovio,
Kao rezultat toga, morat ćete otvoriti račun u odgovarajućoj banci i to je vaša jedina financijska obveza. Nakon toga, novac će biti prebačen iz moje banke na račun koji će biti postavljen na vaše ime. Nijedna druga osoba neće biti uključena u ovu transakciju, a zatim možete uputiti banku da prenese različite dionice na naše račune kod kuće. Ja ću dovršiti dokumentaciju uz pomoć svog odvjetnika da dajem transakciju zakonsko pravo, drugo da pravobranitelju dajem pravnu moć pripremiti potrebne zakonske dokumente koji će vam biti jedini korisnik sredstava i obraditi vaše zahtjeve.
Prije nego što počnem, moram vam poslati bilo koji oblik vaše identifikacije (I.D, vozačka dozvola ili putovnica), obradit ću potrebne papirnate radove. Nadam se da razumijete zašto trebam sve ovo. Novac u pitanju je ogroman i želim osigurati postizanje odgovarajućeg dogovora, prije nego što nastavim dati vam sve pojedinosti za početak. Poslat ću vam kopiju svog rada I.D nakon primitka vaše identifikacije. Također ćete dobiti imena i pojedinosti o kontaktima banke koje namjeravate otvoriti račun kako biste mogli otvoriti komunikaciju s njima. Pobrinite se da taj transakcija bude povjerljiva.
Ako ste zainteresirani, pošaljite mi sve što je potrebno;
1, puna imena
2, Privatni telefonski broj i broj faksa
3, trenutna stambena adresa
4, Kopija identifikacije, to bi mogla biti vaša vozačka dozvola ili Međunarodna putovnica / Nacionalni ID CARD.
Po primitku ću vam dati više pojedinosti o operaciji. Vaš najstariji odgovor bit će vrlo cijenjen.
From: trivun knez <>
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2018 8:58 AM
To: melessafreyaa@hotmail.comSubject: Re: info kontakt
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2018 8:58 AM
To: melessafreyaa@hotmail.comSubject: Re: info kontakt

2 прилога
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