scam ,scam , scameri, SGT ESTHER WILLIAMSON ,
I Need Your Response If Only You Are Interested.
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12.05.2019. 16:01 (пре 8 дана)
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Kako je život danas, stvarno se umorim od ovog posla, iskreno, svaki dan nas napadaju pobunjenici, auto bombe svuda ovdje, molim vas poslušajte što vam želim reći sada, tijekom jedne od naših spašavanja misije na koju smo naišli sigurna kutija u kojoj se nalazi ogromna količina novca koja pripada militantnim pristalicama zbačene vlade Jemena, za koju vjerujem da je novac namijenjen za kupnju oružja i streljiva za terorističke napade. Iznos novca u sefu je 19.200.000 dolara i dogovoreno je od strane šestorice časnika vojske koji su bili na toj misiji spašavanja da će novac biti podijeljen među nama i što smo učinili. Od ukupnog fonda, moj je udio bio 3,2 milijuna dolara (tri milijuna dvjesto tisuća američkih dolara). Tražim vašu pomoć da evakuirate svoj dio tog novca iz ove zemlje (YEMEN) u vašu zemlju kako biste ga sačuvali u moje ime dok ne dođem u vašu zemlju.
Stoga vas želim uvjeriti da ako vam je taj novac dostavljen u zemlji, bit ćete vjerodostojni da zadržite novac dok ne dođem u vašu zemlju da se sretnete licem u lice kako bih povratio novac od vas. Jasno mi je da se možete bojati ovog prijedloga. Ali želim vam reći da sam se čvrsto dogovorio s '' JVK INTERNATIONAL MOVERS DELIVERY COMPANY & SECURITY SERVICE '' i oni su obećali dostaviti fond diplomatskim putem bilo kojem od mojih odredišta. Ovu isporuku će legalno obraditi "JVK INTERNATIONAL MOVERS DELIVERY COMPANY AND SECURITY SERVICE" i neće biti nikakvog rizika uključiti se u proces i novac će se sigurno spremiti u aktovku, a isti će slučaj biti spreman. biti vam dostavljen u vašoj zemlji kao dar.
Odlučio sam da vam jednom nadoknadim 30% od ukupnog novca nakon što vam novac bude dostavljen, dok će ostatak biti moj investicijski kapital u vašoj zemlji. Jedna strastvena žalba koju ću vam uputiti je da ne raspravljate o tome trećoj strani ako ne želite biti UKLJUČENI, molimo Vas da ovo pismo izbrišete iz vašeg e-mail pretinca kako biste izbjegli bilo kakvo curenje tih informacija i to će biti opasno za mene na mom mjestu. Odlučio sam vas kontaktirati nakon molitve i vjerujem da nećete izdati ili okrenuti moje povjerenje niti osujetiti moj san. iako se možda pitate zašto sam vam tako brzo otkriven bez formalnog uvoda. Pa, reći ću da me je moj um uvjerio da ste vi prava osoba koja će mi pomoći u primanju i ulaganju ovog fonda.
Bilješka; Ne znam koliko dugo ćemo ostati ovdje i moja sudbina jer sam preživjela dva bombaška napada ovdje, što me nagnalo da potražim pouzdanu i pouzdanu osobu koja će mi pomoći da primim i uložim Fond, jer ću doći Vašoj domovini da uložite i započnete novi život više ne kao vojnik. Nadam se da je moje objašnjenje vrlo jasno, ali ako trebate daljnja pojašnjenja samo mi javite i ja ću dalje objašnjavati.
Želim vas obavijestiti da ovdje, u vojnoj zoni, ne smijemo koristiti mobilne telefone, već koristimo samo radio poruke i e-mail komunikaciju, stoga nam dopustite da nastavimo komunicirati putem e-pošte. Zaključno, želim vam da mi odmah pošaljete odgovor u vezi s ovim prijedlogom, vaš hitan odgovor će biti visoko cijenjen. Čekam da primim vaše prihvatljivo ponavljanje čim pročitate ovo pismo.
S ljubavlju iz.
Gosp. Esther Williamson
Hello Dear
How is life today, I am really getting tired of this Job honestly, we are being attacked by insurgents every day, car bombs everywhere here, please listen to what I want to tell you now, during one of our rescues the mission we came across a safe box that contains a huge amount of money that belongs to the militant supporters of the overthrown government of Yemen, which I believe was money meant for buying weapons and ammunition for terrorist attacks. The amount of money in the safe box is $19,200.000 Dollars and it was agreed by the 6 Army officers present on that rescue mission that the money will be shared among us and which we did. Out of the total fund, my share was $3.2 Million Dollars ( three million two hundred thousand united states dollars ). I am seeking your assistance to evacuate my share of this money out of this country ( YEMEN ) to your own country for you to keep it safe on my behalf until i come over to your country.
So I want you to assure me that if this money is been delivered to you in the Country that you are going to be trustworthy to keep the money till when I will come to your country to meet you face to face to collect the money back from you. It is clear to me that you might be scared of this proposal. But I want to let you know that I have made solid arrangements with a ''JVK INTERNATIONAL MOVERS DELIVERY COMPANY AND SECURITY SERVICE'' and they have promised to deliver the fund through the diplomatic method to any of my choosing destination. This delivery is going to be handled legally by the ''JVK INTERNATIONAL MOVERS DELIVERY COMPANY AND SECURITY SERVICE'' and there will not be any form of risk involved in the process and the money will be pack safely in a briefcase and the same case will be delivered to you in your country as a gift.
I have decided to compensate you with 30% of the total money once after the money is delivered to you, while the rest balance shall be my investment capital in your country. One passionate appeal I will make to you is not to discuss this matter to a third party if you do not want to be INVOLVE please kindly delete this letter from your email box to avoid any leakage of this information and it will be dangerous to me based on my position here. I have chosen to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray or turn my trust nor thwart my dream. though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without a formal introduction. Well, I will say that my mind convinced me that you are the true person to help me in receiving and investing this fund.
Note; I do not know how long we going to remain here and my fate since I have survived two bomb attack here, which prompted me to search out for a reliable and trustworthy person to help me receive and invest the Fund, because I will be coming over to your home country to invest and start a new life not as a soldier anymore. I hope my explanation is very clear but if you need further clarification just let me know and I will explain further.
I want to let you know that here in the military zone we are not allowed to make use of mobile phones, we only make use of radio message and email communication so please let us continue communicating through email for the meantime OK. Conclusively, I wish you could send me a reply immediately in regards to this proposal, your urgent reply will be highly appreciated. I Wait to receive your acceptable replay as soon as you read this letter.
Love from.
Sgt Miss Esther Williamson
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