
Приказују се постови за јун, 2019

scam, scam, scameri, sgthelenmarkm@aol.com sgthelenmarkm@aol.com

sgthelenmarkm@aol.com sgthelenmarkm@aol.com Hail my dear, Thank you for your post. My name is Sgt Helen Mark, I am a US National Guard guard who works in the US military base camp of Afghanistan. I was born on January 12, 1979 in Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States. My dear, I really want to establish a good relationship and a business partner that can lead to a long-term relationship or something else in the future. Dear here in the military zone, we do not allow the use of a mobile phone. We only use radio messages and e-mail communications, and I would like to take it with you in the meantime, because I will soon leave from here as soon as this transaction is completed. My dear, I want you to know that we are attacked by rebels and an Islamic terrorist group of everyday and automobile bombs, but that is the price we have to pay to restore peace to this place. During one of our operations and our rescue missions, we encountered a safe containing a huge a...

scam, scam, scameri,, justina Ashton ustinj2244@gmail.com

justina Ashton ustinj2244@gmail.com Hvala na prijateljstvu, moja imena su Justina Ashton. Želim vam sada ispričati o svom životu. Ja sam u Iraku koji sada služi kao mirovna misija, ali sam iz United States of America i zaradio sam bogatstvo (novac) ovdje u Iraku putem naftnog poslovanja, potreban mi je partner koji će stajati za mene odakle sada nemam šanse osigurati zato što sam te kontaktirao i nakon što mi pomogneš, pobjeći ću odavde i stići ću u tvoju zemlju u redu jer sam umoran od vojnog rada. Molim vas, čekat ću vaše pismo sada u redu. To je razlog zbog kojeg sam vas kontaktirao, jako mi je žao što vas uznemirava, ali to će nam pomoći u najbližim danima i budućnosti. Odgovor. Thanks for the friendship, my names are Justin Ashton. I want you now tell about your life. I am in Iraq now serving as a peacemaker mission, but I'm from the United States of Ameri...

scam,scam,scameri, Patricia Horoho, pa.tricia.horoho012@hotmail.com

Прикажи прилог video-1503828650.mp4 video-1503828650.mp4 6.7 MB Прикажи прилог video-1503828650.mp4 video-1503828650.mp4 6.7 MB Patricia Horoho сре 22. мај 10:24 (пре 12 дана) коме  ја Препознај језик енглески   Преведи поруку Искључи за: хрватски Moja draga ovo je problem koji imam za vas, nikad nemate povjerenja ili mi vjerujete za jedan dan. Molim vas, toliko sam zauzeta da ne provjeravam svoju e-poštu stalno ...  Rekao sam vam sve i nadam se da ćete izabrati pošiljku od agenta sigurnosti u Srbiji, koju sam samo ja tezao   Imajte na umu da diplomat ne zna sadržaj paketa iz sigurnosnih razloga i u nastavku su podaci za kontakt tvrtke, kontaktirajte ih sada, recite im svoje ime i državu, da ste prava osoba za primanje pošiljke od Patricie D Horoho, časnika američke...

scam,scam, scameri, schieble brown , schieblebrown1@gmail.com

I NEED YOUR RESPONSE IF ONLY YOU ARE INTERESTED Примљене x schieble brown 08:53 (пре 5 минута) коме  ја Hello Dear , How is life today, i am really getting tired of this Job honestly, we are being attacked by insurgents everyday, car bombs every where here, please listen to what i want to tell you now, during one of our rescue mission we came across a safe box that contain huge amount of money that belongs to the militant supporters of the over thrown government of Yemen, which i believe was money meant for buying weapons and ammunition for terrorist attacks. The amount of the money in the safe box is $19,200.000 Dollars and it was agreed by the 6 Army officers present on that rescue mission that the money will be shared among us and which we did. Out of the total fund my share was $3.2 Million Dollars ( three million two hundred thousand united states do...